After IST, Wendy and I headed back to site for just over a week, only to turn around and leave again. During IST we had connected with a Food Security PCV one year ahead of us who has done a lot of work on estufas mejoradas (improved stoves), which is one of the projects that we are working to implement up in A.V. (replacing cooking over an open fire). So, we arranged to spend a few more of our training days out in his site in San Marcos. It took us two days to get there, we spent two days constructing two stoves, one day delivering construction materials, and then headed back to the PC Office again for the All Volunteer Conference and 4th of July festivities.
One of the stoves we built, approaching the finish. |
Dolled up for the 4th |
For cute sakes, you ladies look great. I like the short dress on you, Beth! Very festive for the 4th.